Thursday, June 19, 2008

I am Invisible to Squirrels I Guess

So today when I was burying a pipe in the ground (don't ask), I felt two sharp claws run across my upper neck/lower head. I had three thoughts, 1. Why did Kai (our dog) run over my head?
2. That was really lightweight for a big chocolate lab.
3. Man Kai has a really furry tail!
I jerked up and saw a SQUIRREL scampering away! Thoroughly confused, I rubbed my neck and wondered why in the world that a squirrel would run across my head. Maybe he was fleeing the fray of an epic battle.

Or maybe he just saw a tasty acorn (is that what they eat?) off in the distance.

We will never truly know...


Jake Bramante said...

You are now the official "Squirrel Whisperer".

eric said...

maybe he thought you were a car trunk.

Chelsea Yap said...

funny, i never thought a squirrel would come that close to a person..... i was sooo wrong