Monday, March 31, 2008

Inspiration and Love

Those of you who have seen August Rush, and those musicians out there, you know what I'm talking about. When you find an awesome melody or chord progression, and you feel your blood pumping in you head, urging you to continue and leave all else behind (That's right I'm talking to you Kevin), that's how I feel right now. I believe there is a word to describe that feeling. Actually two. Inspiration and/or love. Although I'm pretty sure its inspiration seeing as I'm not in love with a guitar... yet. Anyway, I've been experimenting with new guitar sounds and muting. If what I'm typing sounds like "Chords and marshmallows and stuff with love and inspiration. Yeah blood pumping." Then watch August Rush and you'll understand. Go watch it now. Buy it on iTunes. If you don't have iTunes, your an idiot and you can download it here.

Sunday, March 30, 2008


Heidi closed down her blog! Comment on this post to convince her to
open it!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Rapper name results

We have a winner... EDIBLE WTH A COMEBACK! I thought that t was going to be catch-22, but it looks likes Coys iPhone turned the tide (Should that be legal? Voting from your iPhone?).

Night of Insanity

Before you read this blog, please understand: We were really hungry. And the saying goes, "Don't go shopping when your hungry," Or so I've been told. On with the story. So as me and Levi were playing Super Smash Bros Brawl®, Heidi asks me if I want to go to Eric's house for a movie. In my mind it would play out like this; We get some food, we watch an old 80's movie that Eric insists on, and then the PS3 would inevitably come into play somewhere in there. I wasn't that far off either. Except it was way funnier than I could have imagined. So we drove around for about three hours buying pizzas and supplies for movie watching. Heidi went on a shopping spree in every sense of the word. She everything from muffins to chips (and Elisha had to convince her not to get a birthday cake). Then we couldn't decide what to get from Red Box®, so we thought we would rent something on the Apple TV®. Well when we got to the house we spent another hour trying to pick a movie (Eric wanted to watch *shudder* Superman 3®). We eventually gave up on the movie and resorted to Motorstorm® only for PS3. We had tons of fun, however, whenever Heidi got her little hands on that controller, she got snappy and aggressive. At one point Eric said, "Um maybe we should take that controller away from you Heidi." She replied, "NO! I don't care if I lose all my friends! THE GAMES ALL THAT MATTERS!" The night went on to get even crazier. Then things died down a bit. We got a little more tired. Eric put his robot vacuum away. We threw our trash away. And just as we were about to slump out of the house,.... BAM Who should slam open the door? It's none other than the INFAMOUS KEVIN GUIDO WITH AN EMPTY TWO LITER MOUNTAIN DEW BOTTLE SAYING, "THE PARTY BEGINS! THE PARTY BEGINS! PARTY! PARTY!" I thought that was a great idea...No one else did. So we left Kevin disappointed, and headed home. Fantastic night.

Friday, March 28, 2008

New is better in Two's

For a while now, my dad and I have concocted a devious little plans to better everyone in the family. He would get a new one, I would get his, and Izzi would get mine. And that's what we have been trying to do over the past few weeks, but unfortunately, we didn't have a start up disk to wipe the hard drive. Well, little ol' uncle Eric brought one over with him one day out of the kindness of his heart and we were able to put this plan into action. Of course, it worked out perfectly, and of course, there are a few little quirks with my new computer. Yes, the charger receptacle  is dented badly and need fidgeting to get in. Yes, the "i" key sometmes doesn't work. Yes, it doesn't have a glossy screen like my other computer. HOWEVER! It still is rocking fast and has a better video processor. On top of that, I got a fabulous haircut (courtesy of Amy Bramante).

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Good to know

So thats how you do it.

Band practice

No I'm not singing. My role is dancer. No. Actually my role is bass.
On second thought everyone in the shot is playing the incorrect
instument. But you know what? We still rocked the crap out of that


We found a greenhouse in whitefish. It feels so nice in here. In the
picture izzi is taking notes and stuff.

Its like clue but with no murder

And that we know who did it. But in the words of Micheal Scott, "You
know, sometimes you gots to get your freak on."

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

What's most important

Mutilated spider

Izzi stomps on a spider that dropped from the ceiling spiderman style.
To make it even better, were driving over the worst road in hiatory
out of whitefish hills. (plrase excuse any spelling errord)

Monday, March 24, 2008


That was this guys' licence plate read. Apropiately, he had the
bushiest, biggest, and thickest mustauche I have ever seen. It even
beat the real estae guy a few weeks back.

Sunday, March 23, 2008


A pictures worth a thousand words.

Photo shoot

I got out my blazer for easter, so I thought, "Why not have a photo shoot with my iSight?" So I did just that.

Ice skating

For the ACTIVE Switch event on friday, we went ice skating at the public rink in Whitefish. It was quite an experience. There were several crashes throughout the night. One of which was Devan falling on his head, and me and Coy sliding into each other. We also had a "Duck, Duck, Goose" towards the end, and a conga line thing  (but no kicking). At one point, Coy stole the little training things from a little kid and sped off like some sort of crazed russian (not racist). All in all it was a very fun night, even though I was the only guy that came (aside from Devan, Frankie, and Coy).

Friday, March 21, 2008

New home page

Nothing fancy just a new layout and video on my welcome page.

Alivian Adventures

Me and Alivia have been hanging out a little bit over the past week and as the title suggests, there have been many adventures. We played with this bubble gun that spat out many bubbles rapidly. And with a makeshift drum roll of Alivia slapping her knees, we made the biggest bubble in history. Then Alivia got tired of the bubbles so we went inside and she got really excited when we found some stickers. She said, "Stickers. Put 'em on." I replied, "On what?" She held out her feet (she was sitting down) and said obviously, "Me." So of course the stickers were stuck on her feet. Then she put more on her hands. One of the ones she put on her hands was a picture of a piece of cake... Which she proceeded to try and eat. (Not shown)

You tell me

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Salsa of death

I literaly cried. If you go to pescado blanco in whitefish, get some
salsa with the five peppers underneath the name. You will cry (unless
your from albuquerque (I'm not sure if I spelled that right.)).


Getting the band back together.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Who invented This Beauty?

That is the question I ask myself as I savor the last few vapors of taste that travel along my tongue. The thing I am referring to of course is none other than the yogurt-covered-pretzel. I'm pretty sure that its not covered in yogurt or white, probably some synthetic chemicals. But the taste is so pure and amazing that I cannot help but ask myself, "Who invented this beauty?". I have a theory that it was a polish nun, (not racist) but I can't be sure. Come on guys! Help me out here!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

"Wivy seepin'

As she would call it. You can see in the first photograph that Alivia was very sleepy. Inevitably, when little kids are sleepy, they fall asleep. So Dad carried her around a bit. Very cute.

Monday, March 17, 2008

New Poll

As you can probably see if you look right up there, I have a new poll on my blog. I am putting this out so that you RSS'ers (you know who you are) can know about it.


Okay not literally fifty miles (obviously) but fifty posts have made there sluggish little way onto my blog. That's just counting this blog. Not to mention my ancient iWeb one. The only thing I have to say is "Look out Eric". And speaking of Eric, look who won the "Nicest Hair Award" (which is basically just a little sentence about Eric). 
   To Eric,
                       You win the following part of my blog: [Congratulations Eric]. That part of this page is eternally yours. It's a great honor.

Sunday, March 16, 2008


Apparently that's how much our dinner bill was. I'm not sure how dad
got that number from twenty, but he did and it became my job to fix it.

Monkey people

The chain of authority.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Horse lesson

Izzi has a horse riding lesson on a horse named "ripley". I would
never have gone of my own free will, however, I had no choice so
technically I didn't go of my free will.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Levis femur

So as you probably know by now, Levi snapped his femur while
snowmobiling and is now in the hospital. They're going to put a rod in
his leg sometime today. Meanwhile, Alivia is with us while Jennie is
at the hospital with Levi. Its been and adventure looking after a two
year old and I can understand some of Levis blogs that I thought,
"weird why would Alivia do that?" Now I realize that Alivia is just
silly. Levi should be out of the hospital in a few days though so its
nothing serious. I'm just glad its his leg and not his neck.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Thursday, March 6, 2008


Food lay forgotten as izzi plunges into the story.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I am a little elf-man!

We are greeted once again by the creepy little bartender at Shakers
steak and ale. He has a cup. c[_]


I don't know if you can see what the city name I'd in the picture, but
its from "pleasantville". I came across this order at work and
wondered who in the world would say, "Wow this is avgreat bit of land.
Let's call it pleasantville!" Yeah great idea. I'm sure the people are
great, but the name takes some getting used to.


So today we realized that we had a dentist's appointment in ten minutes ago. FRANTICALLY we ran for the door. I had time to brush my teeth (sorta) and get dressed. When we got there, the lady was like, "Hurry! The doctors going to inspect your teeth in 8 minutes!" So she started that pick-axe deal on my teeth. "Theres no time! We need to break out the TurboXJet!" The TurboXJet was a freak of nature. It shot (literally shot) water out of a needle sized hole. When she shot it in my mouth at first i thought I was imagineing things but it didn't taste like "water". Then the sucky thing sucked the "water" out of my mouth and it was red. The water was so pressurized it was cutting my gums! After that torture, everything was pretty smooth from there on out. Although it got me to thinking. How many of you guys actually floss daily?

Monday, March 3, 2008

Best Alivia Video

I have pushed my self to find a video of Alivia cuter than anything on Levis blog. Unfortunately, she lives with Levi so this puts me at a disadvantage. However, I think this video might give him a run for his moneyW.o.W.

Saturday, March 1, 2008


I have recently made some changes to my blog to execute maximum efficiency. Hope you enjoy!

Fog Fixes the Fence

So the girls (Mom and Izzi) have been complaining about how "critters" keep getting into the hay barn because of a faulty fence. When Fog couldn't take it anymore, he decided that he was going to "ranch it". (Incidentally, I have never seen Norman Fog and my dad in the same place at the same time. It's a shame because they have so much in common). So me and Fog drove around and had an arsenal of advice. Mike from orth Valley Ag (the "N" was out) said, "Nah don't use nails. Use some of dem power staples. Just get the biggest stapler they got." Jim from another place I don't remember said (if you want to know what this guy sounds like, plug your nose , make your voice whiny, and say), "Here use this hammer stapler. Its grrrrreat!" No, it suckedBut we got it done and it doesn't look too shabby. Afterwards we saw the cutest thing ever. Two horses (Buddy and Starlight) were hugging. Of course I took a picture because on you can always get the straight facts. No tricks, no wikipedia.