So today when I was burying a pipe in the ground (don't ask), I felt two sharp claws run across my upper neck/lower head. I had three thoughts, 1. Why did Kai (our dog) run over my head?
2. That was really lightweight for a big chocolate lab.
3. Man Kai has a really furry tail!
I jerked up and saw a SQUIRREL scampering away! Thoroughly confused, I rubbed my neck and wondered why in the world that a squirrel would run across my head. Maybe he was fleeing the fray of an epic battle.

Or maybe he just saw a tasty acorn (is that what they eat?) off in the distance.

We will never truly know...
You are now the official "Squirrel Whisperer".
maybe he thought you were a car trunk.
funny, i never thought a squirrel would come that close to a person..... i was sooo wrong
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