Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A little problem

So... My phone won't charge. At least, it won't charge in my iHome,
which is what I use most of the time to charge it. I hate that I have
been eeking through the few days without charge, almost always on red.

Sent from my iPhone

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I found two little visitors inside by muscle shell tonight. Yes.. They
were crabs. CRABS! In my food! What? Yes! CARBS I MEAN CRABS! I will
never be the same. Thank the Lord that they weren't living or I would
have beat them to death with my shoes.

Radiohead pins

Now they follow me everywhere I go!


We are making the pasture for the horses a bit bigger, so there are
people over here ripping trees out of the ground with tractors, making
a pile and setting them on fire. Well my dad wanted to see how the
progress was going so he had me drive through the many different
burning pits "Indiana Jones" style. Sorry I couldn't get a better
picture of the flames but as you can imagine, they were hotter than a
cheap metal slide at a playground.

Monday, April 28, 2008

The Day that wi-fi Died.

Was yesterday. But it came back to life tonight. Which explains for the lack of twitters and post. I know what your thinking, "Wait. You have an iPhone. Can't you just use edge?" Well no. Edge is soooo slow. I got really frustrated and threw it onto my bed. But were all better now so be prepared.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Admittance of Defeat

T'was once a boy with Safari 3.0 web browser. Yet his valiant friend, Sir Eric Melzer II hath Camino 1.8. Thee keyboard and thy mouse waged an epic battle to determine the fate of thine browsing leisure. In the end, the boy with Safari crumbled under the might of Camino. Thus the story of the Battle of Browsers shall be passed to thy children. And thy children will pass it onto thine children and they shall say, "Truly, thou art a valiant knight Sir Eric Melzer II." In so doing enlightening new generations to come.

Quick question.

Jake Bramante showed this to me the other day and I started to wonder, how many of you guys have owned ths at one point. And don't use the excuse, "I used to have one." I really want to know how popular or how unpopular it was. Please comment your thoughts.

Friday, April 25, 2008


Hello bloggasphere! I am just here to tell you about my Twitter account that I just set up. You can view it if you look to the right of this post >. or by searching for solomon ray on Show your love by following me!

A well balanced meal

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Alivia Rush

Looks like she is a quick learner.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I'm a teacher part II

I just finished the other two demonstrations at the highschool. They
were really into it! One guy wanted to use my music for a video he was
making and another wanted my input on some of his music. I basically
played my songs and made some minor tweaks to them. The only thing I
have to say is, "Thank you Kevin, and thank you Miss Brenda (my old
piano teacher).

Sent from my iPhone

I'm a teacher

I am teaching a five-ten minute demonstration of Logic Pro 7. I have
two more groups of simpleton non-homeschoolers later so stay tuned.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Umm that's my bed

She won't let me near! When I get close, the claws come out along with
blood from my hand.

Take this anti-Hackers

Enough said.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Skype for everyone!

I got Dj hooked on skype today. Yeah, its pretty much awesome.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Tall cappucino for Sulvan

That's how my cappucino today was announced. Please people, my name is
Solomon. Its not that hard to remember. But I admit some of these
names are not offensive, but some are. I have been called the
following: Simon, Sully, Sulivan, Sulvan, so, solo, solarbear,
slobrow, superslow, Sally, and sampson.

Sent from my iPhone
Please note my new email is

Saturday, April 19, 2008

For only 99.99 a month

Attack of the titanium babies!

Lost in Translation

This email is somebody trying to communicate with my dad with a translator program and it didn't quite work.
Brian command you wanted a hug,

I first want to apologize,,, my bank if I removed the money
But unless the beam uncollected, I pagare,, but not for now
I can at this time, because I had some debts of the congress and
I am paying what I pay in July and apart from everything my mom,
This very badly with a diagnosis of cancer, and it is very creeme
Difficult for me,

I promise to pay the difference in July please,, tenganme
Patience, yet we derive the disc that we have no funds
To do so,,, please give me this opportunity,,,, a hug,,

I hope news,

Friday, April 18, 2008

Signs of spring

A tree shows signs of growth by little buds on the tips of its
branches. I guess it wouldnt be spring without baby plants. Speaking
of the letter "b", we will be watching Sweeney Todd later. MUHAAHAA!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Punch a Goat - wikiHow

Punch a Goat - wikiHow  Yeah I wrote this. Pretty informative huh?


Look out all other bloggers. I have blogged 100 times over the past two months. Give me a year and maybe, just maybe, I will beat the unbeatable... Eric. Probably not, but let me dream! Also, I have an idea of how many people visit my site, but I have no idea how many people are RSS'ed. If you are an RSS subscriber, please comment on this post so that I may get my barrings on how popular this piece of the internet is. P.S. I'm going to do a new poll. Any ideas?

Solomon Rush

That's what Eric called me when he texted me last night saying that he wanted a video of my guitar impersonation of the boy-wonder, August Rush. To all you people out there who don't like August Rush, shame on you. It's as bad as liking windows vista. I don't even give it the honor of capitalization.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The cuff has come

Can you beat this Levi? (I mean no offense)

Monday, April 14, 2008

You go eric

Playgrounds and Poultry

Thats right you heard me! Since it was 70 degrees on sunday, all of the Levites went to the park in Whitefish. It was really fun. Alivia went down the slide laughing like some sort of KrAZy pARsoN! This one little kid (probably like four or five) came up to me and asked, "Do you want to play Power Rangers with us?" It was hard for me to say no looking at his innocent face, but I did say no. Later on, we went down to a river and watched the little ducks and geese swim around in the river. We started feeding them and if you've ever fed wild geese, you know what I'm talking about. THEY CAME ON FREAKING LAND AND STARTED *ATTACKING* US! I don't know how many of you know this, but geese's beaks are serrated. They started advancing on us. I grabbed a nearby sturdy stick and hit one on the head. Well as you can imagine he didn't like that very much. Then they all flapped their wings and proceeded to peck me. I swung madly for my life. At one point a grabbed one by its legs and was swinging it and the stick, then flung both of them into the water. That scared them off. And guess who saw my deeds? The mayor of Whitefish! He gave me a medal of bravery for my... bravery. Also I got a key to the city (which actually is just a giant key). Ah, it's good to have summer back.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Summers a'comin

Me and dad comfortably relax and bask in the sun.


What decade is this?

That's a lot of lettuce

I muttered to my mother as we checked out our dock box. I can only
imagine the possibilities of all that lettuce. I prefer to keep to the
most realistic. He is trying to recreate "Tarzan: the musical" in his
back yard. Hence the lettuce. What are your thoughts?

Mmm... Fingers

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

This punch came right out of left field.

No I am not talking about baseball, I am just using terminology. So my dad was at Best Buy today and he sends me this picture of Levi. Apparently he had caught Levi looking at the Windows Vista specs. Yeah... Right... On a side note, I did not mean in any way to offend you Levi with my challenge of cuff-coolness. I have just taken it upon myself to "reach for the stars" as they say.

Leah has been converted

Two years of homeschooling later, leah finally gets a mac.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Sorry She's Awesome

Some of you may know a certain lady by the name of Crystal Lewis. Well, she happens to be more popular (according to Google trends) than Whitefish Mountain Resort. Almost all of 2008 she has been at the top. On an unrelated note, I ordered a sweet new leather cuff today that will totaly make me UNBEATABLE! No more being in the shadow of Levi's blindingly white double-strap cuff. For I have ordered a triple-strap cuff. HA!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

iTalian Job

With the iconic mini coopers dancing on the road. Renting movies in
iTunes is easier than punching a groundhog.


Enough said.

Car wash for Levi

Because if we pick Levi up in a dirty car he will go mental.

Friday, April 4, 2008

It Is Done!

I finally got all the album artwork downloaded on my iTunes. No more annoying transparent music notes for Solomon's iTunes. No sir. Here is proof.

Goodbye Snow... Part I

Part I of II in the last hurrah of snowboarding. Surprisingly, it was amazing snow for the last weekend. I guess there was the biggest storm they've had all year like three days before we went up or something. Everything was amazing about the day except for one thing. I forget what there called but its when you go near a tree in a powder run and all the snow collapses around you. That happened to me. And the snow was thicker than peanut butter (exaggeration). Aside from that it was amazing times. Of course I risked my iPhone being dropped, run-over, smashed, beaten, kicked, shorting out, and getting wet just for the sake of getting you faithful readers some no-good to bad pictures. Your welcome.

Alien Overlords

I don't know how many of you have seen this yet, but when I went to the orthodontist to get "examined" they had to X-Ray my head. It was a pretty fun experience. The only thing missing from the whole deal was 80's Sci-Fi music in the backround, but there was a ton of beeps and whirring noises so I guess that constitutes as Sci-Fi music.

Apologetic Remorse

If your reading this then you have successfully  made your way back to the sanctuary of my blog. I am terribly sorry about all the trouble and inconvenience that this simple URL change has caused. However, now that it has been done, it will never happen again... Hopefully. As you RSS'ers have probably figured out by now, you will need to re-subscribe if you want to stay connected. 
    Virtually punching myself in the face for how sorry I am,

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Works of art

Matt Damon

Gets his freak on in the Bourne Ultimatum. We're up on the mountain
for a last hurrah of snowboarding. Lets hope the snow's good!

There's style in the air...

At least there should be now that my iPhone and computer skins came from Gelaskin. I got a sick graffiti style iPhone skin and a japanese kobe style one for my compy. Also, you can download free iPhone wallpapers that match the skins you got. Or download any wallpapers you want from their archives. Look how excited I am!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Some people think that the little kiddy milk cartons at mcdonalds are
for kids. THEIR NOT I tell you.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


So a little while back I said that I was going to learn how to play guitar like August Rush. I have made a little progress, but more importantly, I have found out that it is indeed possible. See?

And exibit B.


As I was commenting on eric blog, google wanted a word verification.
And it was Fpittttt. I wonder how that is pronounced?