Sunday, April 20, 2008

Tall cappucino for Sulvan

That's how my cappucino today was announced. Please people, my name is
Solomon. Its not that hard to remember. But I admit some of these
names are not offensive, but some are. I have been called the
following: Simon, Sully, Sulivan, Sulvan, so, solo, solarbear,
slobrow, superslow, Sally, and sampson.

Sent from my iPhone
Please note my new email is


Crystal Lewis said...

what about Salmon and Slow solzabies steak sause

Jake Bramante said...

I think we need to just move away from the whole "solomon" sounding mish-mash and go straight to something like "Huggie" or "Puddin". Now we're talkin'!

Katherine Johnson said...

what about solomonster or han solo!?