Jake Bramante showed this to me the other day and I started to wonder, how many of you guys have owned ths at one point. And don't use the excuse, "I used to have one." I really want to know how popular or how unpopular it was. Please comment your thoughts.
"I love the power glove. The power glove is BAD".
- fred savage
No I never owned one because it was the suck. When Fred Savage said it was bad, he meant it. lame-o, but good for a walk down memory lane. For cool NES controllers though, we should be talking about the NES Advantage that allowed you to press the A button down and it would repeatedly press it down and you could adjust how fast it was pressing A.
What I'm really trying to say here is "up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, Start" suckas!
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