Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Solomon Rush

That's what Eric called me when he texted me last night saying that he wanted a video of my guitar impersonation of the boy-wonder, August Rush. To all you people out there who don't like August Rush, shame on you. It's as bad as liking windows vista. I don't even give it the honor of capitalization.


Jake Bramante said...

sweet bro.

Levi Lusko said...

i'm officially impressed, and hungry, but I don't hold you responsible for the second part. I need to take care of that myself.

alaina said...

that really is awesome! nice job solo.

eric said...

super awesome. but reading levi's comment also made my hungry. now everytime i hear a guitar or read a comment by levi i will be hungry. oh, the woes of living in this mortal flesh.

Norman Fog said...

eric are you the same guy that has to be reminded to eat from an alarm on your phone. You cant always rely on Levi to remind you. Go make a sandwich.

Ray said...

Hey that seriosly cool!!! Quik question are you like single you need to look on your other blog!!!

P.S.-I'm also called Ray