Tuesday, March 4, 2008


So today we realized that we had a dentist's appointment in ten minutes ago. FRANTICALLY we ran for the door. I had time to brush my teeth (sorta) and get dressed. When we got there, the lady was like, "Hurry! The doctors going to inspect your teeth in 8 minutes!" So she started that pick-axe deal on my teeth. "Theres no time! We need to break out the TurboXJet!" The TurboXJet was a freak of nature. It shot (literally shot) water out of a needle sized hole. When she shot it in my mouth at first i thought I was imagineing things but it didn't taste like "water". Then the sucky thing sucked the "water" out of my mouth and it was red. The water was so pressurized it was cutting my gums! After that torture, everything was pretty smooth from there on out. Although it got me to thinking. How many of you guys actually floss daily?


Levi Lusko said...

not nearly enough!

Jake Bramante said...

Oh, I'm a flosser. I just up and decided one day that I would. Now if I could only be so disciplined with every area of my life.... BTW, bummer about that TurboXTearYourMouthApart deal. You're not just a client dangit, but a human being! What was she thinking?!

Crystal Lewis said...

very seldom. However i bet money Eric M. flosses regularly.