Friday, March 21, 2008

Alivian Adventures

Me and Alivia have been hanging out a little bit over the past week and as the title suggests, there have been many adventures. We played with this bubble gun that spat out many bubbles rapidly. And with a makeshift drum roll of Alivia slapping her knees, we made the biggest bubble in history. Then Alivia got tired of the bubbles so we went inside and she got really excited when we found some stickers. She said, "Stickers. Put 'em on." I replied, "On what?" She held out her feet (she was sitting down) and said obviously, "Me." So of course the stickers were stuck on her feet. Then she put more on her hands. One of the ones she put on her hands was a picture of a piece of cake... Which she proceeded to try and eat. (Not shown)

1 comment:

jennie said...

she's absolutely crazy, at least she didn't start eating the stickers like she's been doing lately...