Thursday, March 20, 2008

Salsa of death

I literaly cried. If you go to pescado blanco in whitefish, get some
salsa with the five peppers underneath the name. You will cry (unless
your from albuquerque (I'm not sure if I spelled that right.)).


Jake Bramante said...

Solo, your cryin' means hooey to me! You cried when Bambi's dad done got shot! Give me some of that you yella bellied sapsucker!

Solomon Ray said...

Let me clarify, when I say cry, I don't mean the, "What!? My grandma got abducted by aliens!? *crycrycrycrycry*" I mean the cutting onion thing cry.

sara said...

Good job on the spelling, and at least you tried it thats all that counts even if you couldn't handle it.

Ruthie said...

I think i had that on my burrito today. I cried too.