Sunday, February 24, 2008

Sick Day on Sunday

On saturday i was fine, but when I got up this morning, (at six o'clock) I was throwing up like you would not believe. I won't go into details to save yourself from vomiting, but I finally stopped at like ten o'clock. By which point I realized I was in no state to go to church, much less man the video. So I watched it on the webcast and it was fine. I was disappointed I couldn't go of course, but it wasn't as bad as I thought. Hopefully I'll be able to make it through the Academy Awards tonight. What really bugs me though is that I don't get any of the perks of being sick. Like missing school. But maybe I'll still be sick on Monday? I never thought I would want to be sick, but if it means missing school, and the worst is over, I'll do it all day long (minus the vomiting).

1 comment:

Jake Bramante said...

Dude, I felt your pain... on the day before you were sick. Wasn't that a doozy? I've got a little posting about the hell I went through. Sux.